Now, according to the medical statistics, the symptoms of degenerative cervical disc disease is often in which almost all of the people who are over 25 to 30 years of age and older. The disease is found, the department of the vertebral column, more than any other. The disease is a progressing, degenerative process affecting the intervertebral disks and the vertebrae located in the neck. The disease is common among both men and women in the same way. It is a dangerous and complex form of degenerative disc disease, as well as the neck are the blood vessels supplying the brain, and a large number of nerve endings. The breach of the nerve supply and blood flow, leading to the degradation of the software of the brain with oxygen and nutrients.

The signs of the disease
The symptoms of degenerative cervical disc disease are manifested by the more pronounced that in other parts of the spinal cord, even minor injuries. This is due to the fact that the neck vertebrae are located in close proximity to each other, and the intervertebral disc drives for a short time. This anatomical feature helps to account for the fact that the osteocondrose pressure on the nerve endings, the spinal cord, the blood-vessels.
Common symptoms:
- the pain is caused;
- the weakness and numbness in the upper extremities;
- the limited mobility of the neck;
- - infringement of coordination of movements;
- frequent shortness of breath;
- weakness in general.
- the deterioration in the functioning of the organs of perception (hearing, sight, touch, taste).
The pain is most often localized in the neck, and give it to the back of the head, shoulders, and arms. The upper members are hurt, and if corrupted, vertebrae busted the nervous; bump, which is responsible for its activation. The pain in the back of the head, is caused by spastic contractions of the muscles of the neck, and are associated with the occipital bone, and the violation of the circulation of the blood in that area.
Weakness of the hands, and it occurs in patients the pathological process that is involved with your nervous; bump in, offering in the innervation of muscular structures of the upper extremity. The restriction of mobility, and a little crunch when you turn or tilt your neck in the occur in the vertebra, appear tumors of the bone, at the level of the intervertebral disc decreases in the affected by the joints in between the vertebrae.
The vertebrae in the neck have a cross-cutting, they contact form a channel in which the arteries that feed the brain. When osteocondrose the cervical vertebrae are displaced, they build up the connective tissue. It takes the pressure off the neck artery, damage to the blood supply of the cerebellum, and back parts of the brain. As a result, the person often shortness of breath, because of the co-ordination, motor weakness, the general. In advanced cases, if the vessel is involved in the pathological process, or a highly pinched, the blood supply of the cerebellum, a part of the occipital bone and the brain stem deteriorates significantly. In this case, it is reduced to a feature-of-hearing, and vision, you can experience a sense of numbness of the tongue, and the fingers.
The signs of the disease depend on which of the eight vertebrae struck with a degenerative or an inflammatory process. The disturbance of sensation and of motion lead to damage to the root of the spinal nerve to affect these or any other ones. Depending on this, you may experience the following signs of degenerative cervical disc disease:

- - the first vertebra – the ties of the neck, and part of the occipital of the head, and decreases the sensitivity;
- the second felt the feeling in the region of the crown, and the nape of the neck;
- the third is related to the pain, and to decrease the sensitivity on the part of the neck where it is fastened, spinal; spine, to reduce the intensity of the taste buds that are present in speech disorders;
- Wednesday – pain is radiating to the shoulder, the scapula, and the patient is disturbed, heart pain, trouble breathing, decrease in the tonus of the muscles of the neck;
- the five sensations of pain are noted in the neck, which give the surface area of the outside of the shoulder;
- good, a pain in the neck radiating to the parts, may be felt in the forearm, and the big toes;
- the seventh – to the pain take a putty knife behind the back of the shoulder, the forearm, and the fingers of the hand (from the second to the fourth);
- eighth – the pain spread from the neck to the shoulders, the forearms, and the little toes, the little.
Depending on the prevalence of lesions vary among the four levels for degenerative cervical disc disease. It is not a stage of the disease, and the onset of symptoms, due to this, the extent to which the common is a pathological process in which bone he's in the ring.
- In the first level, the clinical symptoms are absent or appear only a little. The patient is complaining about a little bit, the sensations of pain, increasing during movement of the head. Effective the treatment will be developed in the course of the disease. However, in many cases, people are ignorant of the troubling symptoms, or if they do not feel them, that's why the doctor doesn't come back.
- The deepening of the process of the disease increases the symptoms. The second stage, the pain becomes more pronounced, occurring in the upper limbs, and the blades. At this stage in the development of degenerative disc disease of the process, the height of the intervertebral disc decreases, so that it pinched the nerve fiber. It is the cause of increase in pain. In the state of pará is the one according to the degree of degenerative cervical disc disease that is characterized by the onset of the headache, the deterioration of well-being, thus reducing the efficiency of the operation.
- The third degree of the disease, degenerative disc disease of the cervical disc is different to the training of hernias of the victim of the intervertebral disc. The neck motion is limited by means of palpation, the patient feels the pain. When the distribution of the process of the disease, the pain will become permanent, and radiating into the upper extremities. You feel the tension in the muscles attached to the bones of the occipital. The patient complained of frequent shortness of breath, general weakness, numbness of the hands.
- The fourth degree of degenerative cervical disc disease is diagnosed when the intervertebral disc has destroyed the degenerative process. It is replaced by fibrous tissue, which leads to a major restriction of mobility. Be amazed by the spinal cord and runs down the neck, the blood-vessels. These changes are characterized by a significant deterioration of the blood supply to the cerebellum, and the occipital of the brain. The deprivation of oxygen causes the failure of coordination of movements, loss of hearing, sight, numbness of language and speech disorders.
Methods for the treatment of
With timely treatment to the doctor when the first symptoms of anxiety, unpleasant sensations in the neck, which is a response of the nervous system and will help to prevent the progression of degenerative changes. In the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease is a complex of therapeutic activities. Among them:
- the purchase of prescription drugs;
- the type of massage;
- therapeutic exercise;
- the physical therapy treatment.
Medical therapy
Doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to reduce the intensity of pain, reduction of inflammation and swelling of the cuttings. Chondroprotectors to regenerate damaged tissue and cartilage of the intervertebral disc. Muscle relaxants to relax the muscles of the neck, which relieve the spasm. Medicines to to to to improve the the flow of blood, helps you to take back to the poor blood supply to the brain. The b complex vitamins activate the metabolism of the nerve tissue. When the intense feelings of pain, your doctor may assign you painkillers or drugs. If the patient expresses the pain that is caused, and the pain killers are introduced into parenteral, then it's a pain to be silent to move around in the tabs.
The methods of physical therapy
Physical therapy is a more effective means of dealing with osteochondrosis of cervical. Points are explaining and talking about it, not necessarily with the use of these techniques, the results of which are to be obtained, with the following results:
- to reduce the intensity of the pain.
- it is activated by the retrieval of the dead from the bone, cartilage and muscle tissue;
- it is taken from a muscle cramp, and muscular tension;
- it is interrupted by an inflammatory process;
- it improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the affected area and the brain.
By far the most effective in the treatment of degenerative disc disease are considered to be of the following types of procedures:
- an objective (in the affected area, and its effect on the risk of an electric shock, which, in addition to the activation of the circulation of the blood, and the recovery of the tissue, the improvement of the delivery of an active ingredient of a medicament for the crash of a process of degenerative tissues);
- therapy, ultra-sonic (stepping up the process of exchange in the area of the patient, lessen the pain, this is called inflammation);
- magnetic therapy (also relieves swelling in the affected area, which helps to reduce the intensity of the pain);
- therapy with the laser improves the circulation of blood in-the area of the process of the disease, and has anti-inflammatory effect).
Therapeutic exercise
The exercises that are assigned in the time period, when cut down, a sharp manifestation of the disease. During the exercise, you should not feel discomfort and pain. To run the complex are to be reached, the receipt of the referral to the notice of the to a relapse.

- Taking the position of lying on your stomach, raise your head and your body, based on your hands. Back straight, breathing deep and even. Staying in one position for a minute or two, and then increased slowly to take a position. The number-of-retries – 3.
- Lying down on your stomach, your arms at your sides. Rose slowly, turning his head and trying to touch your ear to the ground. Repeat 6 times on each side.
- In a standing or sitting position, the inspiration, the tilt of the head, and trying to reach your chin to the chest. The frame gently to deviate the head back, and he lifted up his eyes to the ceiling. The number of repetitions to 10-15.
- A good exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck, press the head in and hold it in the hand. So as to achieve the purpose of the press, and the palms of her hands on his forehead, and his forehead in the palm of your hand for 30 seconds. Repeat three more times.
- Turning his head around in circles. Do this exercise is increased slowly and gently. On each side 10 times. It is unacceptable for the occurrence of reports of dizziness during the execution of the movement. If so, you should immediately stop.
In the course, it is assigned to a physician, for the period of absence of severe pain, take the only you can be the specialist medical education. When the disease is not recommended for you to access the non-professional.
Healing effects of a massage, the neck areas
- it improves the flow of blood and lymph fluid in the affected area;
- damage to the muscles out of spasm;
- to reduce the intensity of the pain.
The transaction is displayed, if the conservative therapy does not bring any results, and within six months, the patient is tormented by pain, and there are signs of damage to the nerve fibres, and myelopathy. If you osteocondrose neck flow complications, as there is a risk of a cerebral vascular accident may be a strong pressure on the spinal cord, which is in need of surgery.
For the readings, make use of the following types of surgeries:
- discectomy and endoscopic removal of all or part of the intervertebral disc;
- in the laminotomy – excision of the bones of the joints and the losers of the particles of the bone tissue (often combined with laminoplasty – is the establishment of man-made the cards from the expansion of the spinal canal);
- the laser vaporization of a disk, the kernel split the kernel of the intervertebral disc, laser, at the same time, the destruction of their homes destroyed fragments;
- cold plasma nucleoplasty in an endoscope used in a long, thin hollow needle, which is inserted into the intervertebral disc the drive, through it, to the point of failure to deliver to the electrode, and the first-aid of the cold plasma on impact.
The neck – in the complexo da maré, a body where the blood vessels in the spinal cord. The easy-to-damage, so the programmes rely on no more than 5% of the time. Surgical treatment is often followed by the development of complications. Among them:
- the inflammatory process in the tissue or in the sheath of the spinal cord;
- the osteomyelitis;
- the formation of scar tissue, leading to a narrowing of the artery, and the spinal channel.
The operation is in the region of the cervical department of the spine are complex and require a long period of rehabilitation. The recovery of the patient after surgery leads to the time-limits of six months and more.
To alert you to the development of degenerative disc disease of the cervix, you should to:
- keep track of the status of the spinal column and the neck:
- to lead an active lifestyle, move more;
- by doing exercises, you must also be careful to observe the proper execution, even a small injury can affect the state of the musculoskeletal system;
- to take care of the correct position of the body during sleep, to buy with, or anatomic mattress;
- wear clothes that are appropriate for the workplace, where people spend a lot of time;
- the regular practice of physical
- keep up the food supply to provide for the input of all of the fillers, which are needed for the strength of the bones, especially of magnesium and calcium;
- constantly to pass the pharmacy exams for the early detection of the degenerative disc disease.
Prevention will help to prevent the degenerative changes in the cervical area, the department of the vertebral column, it will protect you from the painful sensations of vertigo, spinning, are, a sense of numbness of the limbs, and other unpleasant symptoms.